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Pro-Democracy Reform Campaigns
These organizations, and the growing strength and success of their campaigns, illustrate vividly the appeal of election reform across the political spectrum. People are fed up and want this mess cleaned up. Broad and inclusive coalitions are being built, and reform campaigns are succeeding at the state and local level all over the country.
A wave of reform is building, and now is the time for everyone to get actively involved and turn this wave into a tsunami powerful enough to transform our democracy, to make it once again serve the needs of the many.
So join a campaign, attend a conference, volunteer your time and talents, make a donation, join a local chapter, or do any of the other things that make sense to you. Now is the time to press our advantage. Do as much as you can.
A powerful movement of independents, progressives, and conservatives is building on America's long tradition of pursuing federal reform through the states. Organizers bring together leaders and voters from across the political spectrum to pass anti-corruption laws that stop bribery, end secret money, and fix our broken elections. Don't skip past viewing this excellent video explaining their growing campaign. Much of their work is modeled on the American Anti-Corruption Act. It sets a framework for city, state and federal laws. The provisions are explained in summary form here, and the Act itself is presented on AntiCorruptionAct.org. Their strategy to win is introduced (including an invitation to add your name as a Citizen Co-Sponsor) and then explained in a compelling video.
There are several ways to become involved in supporting this important reform campaign, along with an array of tools and resources to employ as you engage as a volunteer. Most importantly, you can join or support a specific reform campaign underway or upcoming in your area. Finally, RepresentUs sponsors the annual American Democracy Summit. It is an event they describe as "the premier right-left summit to solve America's political crisis. It's the brightest minds from the right and left working together, and a one-of-a-kind opportunity to connect directly with the most engaged members of the democracy reform movement."
Visit the RepresentUs website >>
American Promise
Exists to organize Americans to draft and then win ratification of the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. Citizens, legal experts, representatives and issue advocates will decide the language that will be proposed. The 28th Amendment will be drafted to secure rights for human beings over privileges for corporations and special interests, to ensure fair and free elections for all Americans, and to guarantee the rights of all Americans to equal participation and representation. American Promise offers a number of options for volunteer engagement.
Visit the American Promise website >>
National Popular Vote
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The U.S. Constitution gives the states exclusive control over awarding their electoral votes. Under the Compact, when enough states adopt it to elect a President, the law goes into effect. It pledges each Compact member's electors to the candidate that wins the popular vote nationwide. The bill ensures that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election. The rationale for how and why this reform would increase participation in our democracy is compelling. The limitations of the current system are evident in the fact that a large percentage of the general-election campaign events in recent presidential elections were in a small percentage of the states.
This measure enjoys support from state and federal elected leaders of both parties, and polls show more than 70 percent support from voters. It has been enacted into law in 16 states with 205 electoral votes. The law will take effect when enacted by states with 65 more electoral votes.
Visit their website >>
Works for fair representation in elections and combats unfair practices. Ranked choice voting, cumulative voting, limited voting, and Districts Plus are all types of fair representation voting advocated by FairVote. See a video explaining ranked choice voting, and read about the several ways you can be involved. A reform library, research reports, and election reform information covering a very wide range of reform objectives is available from an extensive resource collection.
Visit FairVote website >>
Common Cause
Promotes a pro-democracy reform package, already succeeding in some communities, that shifts power to the people and away from wealthy special interests and partisan ideologues. Their reform effort includes focuses on ethics and accountability, money and influence, gerrymandering and representation, voting and elections, media and democracy, and more. They sponsor an annual Blueprint for a Great Democracy Conference, and they manage the Democracy Wire. It provides daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement, and it accepts original and cross-posted stories, images and other media.
Visit the Common Cause website >>
A Few of Many More
National Democratic Redistricting Committee
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Published: August 2019
Revised: July 2023
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