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Strengthening Democracy Resources
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Every voting activist wants to be as effective as possible. Register as many voters as possible. Get as many people to vote as possible. The pages of organizations, turnout resources, videos, books, and articles included in this Resources section are here to help activists do exactly that.
Some pretty smart folks have been looking at what has been done to increase registration and turnout in the past, and they have quite a bit to tell us about what we can do to be more effective, to get better results, to produce more new voters for our efforts.
And they can assist by strengthening the motivations inspiring everyone involved. Even if we are already pretty motivated, inspiration supercharges our motivation. Videos, books and articles that offer heroes, role models, and examples of success against the odds, all have a place in the activists' toolchest.
We all need to recharge our batteries from time to time. All of us are motivated by a rich tapestry of emotions. Organizations, videos, books, and articles that harness the emotions we feel and focus them to motivate effective responses are essential. We evolved to have emotions in the first place because they protect and serve us. Organizations, videos, books, and articles incorporating our values and hopes can help motivate us to work for increased registration and voting. That response, in turn, would certainly protect and serve us. Pro-Democracy Organizations. Hundreds of organizations powered by dedicated leaders and volunteers are at work around the country in some aspect of making our democracy work. We looked at more than one hundred, and from that distilled the pages linked here. Overall, the picture that emerges is of a very strong, rapidly growing, succeeding movement. More >>
Increasing Voter Turnout. We have collected from our several Resources pages a few videos, books and articles specifically focused on increasing voter turnout. More extensive listings of useful videos, books and articles are offered in the respective collections linked below. More >>
Videos For Voting Activists. Those we've included cover engaging Latinx voters, increasing voter turnout generally, the power of the youth vote, and several videos addressing the motivations that power voting activists. More >>
Books For Voting Activists. Those we've included cover voter mobilization, which voter turnout tactics work the best, the emergent approach of "relational organizing" through friend-to-friend communication, and how understanding "civic identity" suggests strategies for voter mobilization. More >>
Articles For Voting Activists. Those we've included cover policies to increase voter participation, steps with proven effectiveness in voter turnout programs, the barriers to voting, how to increase turnout in low turnout communities, what turnout methods are less effective, and the interesting potential of universal "civic duty" voting. More >>
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Published: August 2019
Revised: July 2023
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