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Pro-Democracy Centers & Institutes
The Brennan Center for Justice, featured below, is one example among many illustrating the invaluable work in support of democracy being done by university-based centers and institutes. In addition, this section includes a few links to foundations and nonprofit "think tanks" engaged in similar (and similarly important) work. These organizations do many things of interest and value to pro-democracy reformers. They produce helpful research reports and databases, undertake campus-focused student engagement campaigns, enter into collaborative consulting for local governments and community-based organizations, work with state legislators, carry out public information campaigns, provide training in discussion and deliberation skills, facilitate cross-divide discussions, and engage in public advocacy for basic pro-democracy principles and reforms.
No single organization does all of these things, but most do several. Since they are usually state taxpayer supported, the menu of services they offer is often focused primarily within their respective states. In some cases, services are provided nationally, but the most fruitful place for activists to look first will be to those university centers and institutes located in their own states.
Brennan Center for Justice
Based at the NYU School of Law, the Center is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that works to reform, revitalize - and when necessary, defend - our country's systems of democracy and justice. The Center's focuses include voting rights, fair redistricting, campaign finance reform, and related issues. Collaborating with grassroots groups, advocacy organizations, and reform-minded government officials, the Center contributes legal strategy, policy development, empirical research, and high-impact communications to advance its goals. The Center's work is supported by donors, pro bono law partners, interns, fellows, and staff.
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Centers, Institutes, Foundations & Nonprofits
Center for Civility and Democratic Engagement, University of California, Berkeley
Center for Politics, University of Virginia
Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic Leadership, Pepperdine University
Ethics Center, California State University, Fresno
Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy, Kansas State University
Institute for Local Government
Metcalf Institute for Marine and Environmental Reporting
University of Rhode Island
National Policy Consensus Center
New Hampshire Listens, University of New Hampshire
Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service, Arizona State University
The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy
Thomas S. Foley Institute of Public Policy and Public Service, Washington State University
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Published: August 2019
Revised: July 2023
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